A lazy red teamer

关于我 / About Me

可以遐想:懒癌晚期红队操作员,钟爱C/C++/ASM,偶尔宠幸Golang/Python/C# 。热衷红队对抗技术,向往内核安全,青睐二进制漏洞挖掘。

keyixiaxiang: A red team operator with a severe case of procrastination, who loves C/C++/ASM and occasionally dabbles in Golang, Python, and C#. Passionate about red team techniques, kernel security, and binary vulnerability exploitation.


This blog (“Cyber Legacy of Keyixiaxiang”) is for technical exchange only. No one is allowed to use any of the discussed techniques for illegal purposes.

  1. 无法保证该博客记述内容完全正确 / The content in this blog cannot be guaranteed to be entirely accurate.
  2. 并不一定会详细解释每一种技术的细节 / Technical details might not be fully explained.
  3. 引用会给出所有参考链接 / References and citations will include all relevant links.
  4. 如发现错误请跟我联系 / Please contact me if you find any errors.


I want to travel, dine alone, and wander freely. If you like this blog, please give it a warm spot in your bookmarks.